Packed decimal is a convenient format for doing many arithmetic calculations in assembly language for several reasonsPacked decimal is a convenient format for doing many arithmetic calculations in assembly language for several reasons
The main disadvantage to packed decimal arithmetic is that decimal points are not stored internally. This means a programmer must keep up with decimals and make sure they are printed in the correct positions on any report
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\'322. 4: 004. 912 V. Yakovyna, V. Masyukevych
This paper is devoted to the overview of main approaches of machine translation, to analysis of existing metrics for machine translation quality estimation. The advantages and disadvantages of these metrics have been revealed
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Analysis for 1776Analysis for 1776
In 1776, the British were confronted by a great dilemma. What was the right Military Theater Strategy [see “The Strategic Level,” fm 3-0
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Higher education research data collection (herdc) options paper: for advice of universities australia board august 2009Higher education research data collection (herdc) options paper: for advice of universities australia board august 2009
The Australian Government is responsible for determining national research funding priorities, and providing overarching support for research
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Sns college of technology, namakkal – 641 035 department of mechanical engineering year/sem: ii/ IV manufacturing technology –ii (ME2252)Sns college of technology, namakkal – 641 035 department of mechanical engineering year/sem: ii/ IV manufacturing technology –ii (ME2252)
The required shape of metal is obtained by removing the unwanted material from the work piece in the
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Indiana Department of Financial Institutions Where To Go for Auto ServiceIndiana Department of Financial Institutions Where To Go for Auto Service
This mini-lesson includes learning objectives, background information, test questions, activities, a student hand-out and sources of additional information
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The CarburetorThe Carburetor
A carburetor was among the early patents by Karl Benz as he developed internal combustion engines and their components
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1 Project Information 1 Project Title1 Project Information 1 Project Title
Name: Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc" of Academy of Sciences of Moldova of Ministry of Health
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